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Understanding and Alleviating Back Pain While Sleeping

Written By Commons Chiropractic Center on March 31, 2024

a man waking up with back pain

A good night's sleep is a precious commodity, but for many, it remains elusive due to the discomfort of back pain. Understanding how sleep discomfort happens is crucial for finding effective solutions. Commons Chiropractic Center in Denville, NJ, is here to offer suggestions for relief.

Who Experiences Back Pain During Sleep?

People of all ages and backgrounds can experience back pain during sleep. However, certain groups, such as those with sedentary lifestyles, individuals with poor posture, and older adults, may be more prone to nighttime back discomfort. Additionally, athletes and those with physically demanding jobs might also find themselves grappling with sleep-related back pain.

What Can Cause Back Pain During Sleep?

Poor sleep posture, a stiff or hard bed or unsupportive mattress, and muscular imbalances are often the culprits behind back pain during sleep. Incorrect sleeping positions can strain the spine, exacerbating preexisting conditions or causing new discomfort. An unsuitable mattress or a too soft bed can fail to provide adequate support, leading to misalignment and pain.

When Does Back Pain Occur and Where Is the Pain Located?

Back pain during sleep can strike at any time, but it is often more pronounced when individuals try to relax and unwind. It commonly occurs in the lower back or neck, affecting the quality of sleep and causing a vicious cycle of discomfort.

Mitigating Back Pain During Sleep

  • Optimal Sleep Environment - Invest in a mattress that provides proper support and consider using pillows designed to support the natural curvature of your spine. Adjust room temperature and humidity levels to create a comfortable sleep environment.
  • Sleeping Positions - Experiment with different sleeping positions to find what works best for you. Generally, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with a pillow between your legs can help maintain spinal alignment.
  • Regular Exercise - Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to strengthen core muscles and improve overall posture. Simple stretching exercises before bedtime can also alleviate tension.
  • Chiropractic Care - Consult with Dr. Irhin to address any underlying spinal misalignments or muscular imbalances. Regular chiropractic adjustments can contribute to better spinal health and reduce back pain.
  • Stress Reduction Techniques - Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle yoga before bedtime to promote relaxation and alleviate tension in the back.

Contact Commons Chiropractic Center for Help With Back Pain

Back pain during sleep is a common issue, but with mindful lifestyle choices and proactive measures, it can be effectively treated. Taking steps to improve sleep posture, investing in quality sleep aids, and incorporating chiropractic care into your routine can pave the way for restful nights and pain-free mornings. Contact our office to find out how we can help you find relief.

Posted In: Back Pain Treatment