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Chiropractic Herniated Disc Treatment

Written By Commons Chiropractic Center on December 13, 2022

man with back pain

A herniated disc is a condition of the cervical or lumbar spine, in which one of the spinal discs becomes damaged and the soft interior begins pushing out. This puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing symptoms like neck or back pain that radiates down one limb, numbness or tingling, and muscle weakness. If you think you’re suffering from a herniated disc, our chiropractor can provide safe, effective, non-invasive herniated disc treatment in Denville

Determining the Cause of Your Herniated Disc

Herniated discs occur most often in the lower back, and while some people don’t experience any symptoms at all, others have frequent, recurring symptoms that dramatically affect their lives. A herniated disc is most often caused by age-related wear and tear, or disc degeneration. You can also get a herniated disc due to a repetitive stress injury, such as bending and lifting heavy objects every day at work. Rarely, a herniated disc is due to an accident or injury. 

Spinal Decompression for Herniated Discs

A safe, effective, and non-invasive herniated disc treatment is spinal decompression therapy. During spinal decompression, the patient lies fully clothed on a comfortable padded table. The table is a motorized traction table that our chiropractor controls using a computer. The table gently and slowly stretches the spine, allowing the spine to shift back into alignment. As this happens, the interior of the herniated disc will retract back into place. This relieves pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduces or eliminates many herniated disc symptoms. Most patients feel no discomfort or pain during or after spinal decompression and can resume their normal activities immediately afterwards. 

Chiropractic Adjustments and Physiotherapy

In addition to spinal decompression, chiropractic adjustments are also a safe, gentle herniated disc treatment method. During a chiropractic adjustment, our chiropractor will gently manipulate your spine using his hands or an instrument. His goal is to realign your spine so that there is no longer pressure on the sciatic nerve. Chiropractors typically combine this treatment with physiotherapy to reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation, and improve flexibility and mobility so the patient can return to his normal life, pain-free.

If You Need Herniated Disc Treatment in Denville, Call Us Today

If you’re no longer able to walk, stand, exercise, work, or spend time with family and friends due to a herniated disc, come see us at Commons Chiropractic Center today. Our experienced, compassionate chiropractor, Dr. Michael Irhin, has over 20 years of experience diagnosing herniated discs and providing effective herniated disc treatment in Denville.

To learn more, you can call us at (973) 366-3335 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Back Pain Treatment Herniated Discs